Saturday, March 14, 2009

Term 1 Week 20

The palace guards were in repose when they caught a redolent scent seemingly wafting from a distant edifice. The fragrance was something new, it was disparate from anything the guards had ever smell. Distracting, very distracting indeed; the guards had all stood up and they were sniffing the air, inhaling the pleasant-smelling scent which was getting ever more puissant when all of a sudden................

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Term 1 Week 9

Profligate husbands are rife in Big Men's City. There are a legion of wifes who are percuniarily behind the eight ball because of their "lovely" husbands who apparently, knows only to "give".

Term 1 Week 8

The City look dull and dead on the outside but in fact, it is a veneer of the many treasures latent beneath; there is a subterranean tunnel filled with sparkly diamonds!
In the world there are a lot of people who crave for riches, to live a luxurious life. Hence whenever there is word of treasure, there are bound to be many scampering to get their hands on it. Dumb Jack and his Gang were no exception and upon hearing supposedly "urbane (jewel) city", they deem it right for them to have it.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Term 1 Week 7

Biatch is infatuated with this guy, Azz, whom she got acquainted to through the net recently. In Biatch's eyes, Azz is impeccable in every way and she wants to own him, literally. To attain her heart's desire, Biatch had been resourceful enough to acquire all the components required to concoct "Mezmerasia", the undying/everlasting love potion. Now, all she has to do is find a way for Azz to have the potion. Let us hope Azz is not that gulliable.................

Term 1 Week 6

How does one define a truly altrustic person? Is it one who displays a complete absence of cupidity? If this is so, how can there be an altrustic person then? With the world, the flesh, and the devil all around, it can be really tough indeed.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Term 1 Week 5

"How did the alleged murderer gained access to the victim's apartment?", Inspector Mitch muttered to himself, shaking his head as he mulled over it. The accused is bound to have an accomplice! Liquidation of a six feet tall guy trained in martial arts by a puny little woman just seems so unbelievable. However, the accused is not being very cooperative and the Inspector is at a lost.
For many, when put in situations as such, they will just give up. Not Inspector Mitch though, he perseveres, as he always does, pacing back and forth while deep in thought....

Term 1, Week 3 + Week 4

Though Reb aspires to subjugate Earth, she does not want to jeopardize her life in any way. All her inchoate ideas contradicts this point and hence, they are not viable. The ultimate plan has to be flawless but yet none is even near there, causing Reb to be increasingly nettled.
To compound to her misery, Reb's sinecure keeps getting worser; her boss is bias against her and she has just been relegated to the suckiest position ever.