Tuesday, June 23, 2009

EL Oral Communication: DAY 9


The picture depicts a scene in a science lab. There are four people wearing white uniforms with matching white gloves crowding around a table, conducting an experiment. They are most likely students and the reason for them wearing these particular clothings might be because they provide certain protection for the students while conducting their experiments. Judging from the looks on their faces, the students are excited about the experiment and glad with whatever results they have obtained.


My favourite subjects in school vary from time to time. It depends on the teachers and the topics that are being taught. I am still unsure of what I would like to study after I graduate. Graduation seems so far away, though time passes quickly. I think everyone should give university a try, if they are not financially tight and given the chance to. Going to a university, people get to learn more and when they are looking for jobs, it is to their advantage to have a university degree.
Science is an important subject as there would not be new discoveries of the world without science. To encourage young children to take an interest in science, I will let them conduct science experiments. If you believe in equality of the sexes, the view that boys make better scientists than girls do is rubbish.

Monday, June 22, 2009

EL Oral Communication: DAY 7


This picture depicts a scene at a hawker centre. In the picture, there are people cleaning the area. Some are spraying water on the stools and tables such as the woman in boots on the right, while others are wiping the area. Probably someone who has been infected with a contagious disease had been there, and the people are trying to decontaminate the area. Or maybe it is less serious; they are just trying to clean the area to rid it of pesky pests such as cockroaches.
On a normal day, the hawker centre most probably would be bustling with people having their meals...........


The apartment I live in is kept clean by sweeping and mopping daily. My family members and I do not step into the apartment with our shoes on, to prevent dirt and grime from the soles of our shoes to dirty the apartment.
In my opinion, hygiene is of utmost importance. By being hygienic, many illnesses can be kept at bay. For example, as a hygienic person washes his/her hands regularly, most of the bacteria/viruses are killed. However, being too hygienic may not be best either. Whenever a person is OVER hygienic, he/she may become paranoid about germs and the ilk, and this may affect the person socially; as he/she is too afraid of germs, he/she refuses to shake hands with others. A person's immune system may also be impaired because when the person becomes over hygienic.

EL Oral Communication: DAY 5


This picture depicts a scene of a classroom. There are three students in uniform and a woman, most likely their teacher, standing round a table. They seem to be carrying out an experiment as there is a retort-stand on the table, with a pulley system hanging from it. None of the students are smiling as their experiment might have met with some problems, which is why the presence of the teacher. The teacher is tugging on a rope of the pulley system, probably trying to help the students out with their experiment.


Personally, I do not have any preferences in the subjects taught at school. However, if need be, I will say Geography. Learning Geography, I get to know more about the world I live in, which is actually rather interesting. I learn about rivers, waterfalls, gorges and even the movement of Mother Earth's crusts!!!! I am not exactly a hands-on person. However, I do not mind working with my hands; I get to really feel the process of it all. In a way, it is better to learn from doing things as you get to experience the actual process at the same time.
I do think that some subjects such as English, are more important than others in school. To learn anything, the basic requirement is to know your language. For example, when you are doing math problem sums, you have to know your English well in order to understand the question, and not misinterpret cause of a language barrier.

EL Oral Communication: DAY 3


This picture depicts a scene at the beach. There is a group of people squatting in a semi-circle with their hands moulding the sand. There probably is a sandcastle building competition as it can be seen in the background of the picture that there are other groups of people building sandcastles. The woman on the right might very likely be the leader of the group as she seems to be the one giving instructions. Other than building sandcastles, these people might also swim in the sea, play beach volleyball etc.






Sunday, June 21, 2009

EL Oral Communication: DAY 1


This picture depicts a scene at a old folks' home. There are several elderly on wheelchairs seated in a circle. They are all facing a lady, who should be a nurse working in the home as she dons a uniform with a nametag attached. There seems to be an activity carried out as everyone is engaged in a ball game. Also, there is another nurse standing behind the elderly. I am pretty sure her presence is to ensure the safety of the elderly.
I think these elderly people are here as their family members are too busy to take care of them. Hence, they are entrusted to the old folks' home which have opened windows for ventilation and bright lighting, both as seen from the picture. Overall, the old folks' home has a very conducive environment; perfect for the elderly.


My paternal grandfather is a tall man, literally. He is seventy years of age and lives in an apartment in Bedok with his wife, my grandmother. He works part-time sending coffee powder with his van and loves playing mahjong with his pals. This is one thing I'd picked up from him: Mahjongggg!!!! The sound of mahjong tiles rubbing against each other, ooooh, music to grandad's ears. I absolutely adore my grandad. If I could something special for him, it would be to bake a low-sugar (he's diabetic u see) cake in the shape of a mahjong tile just for him.
It really depends on the circumstances as to where elderly people should live. To site an example, if the family members of an elderly are career-minded people who are so busy that they have no time to look after them, the elderly should be living in an old folks' home where there are trained nurses to take good care of them. Of course, the family members of these elderly have to visit them whenever they get the time. However, if the family members of an elderly have plenty of free time on their hands, it is advisable for them to take care of their elderly themselves. Either way, the elderly people should be living an activity-filled life so as to not waste away their retirement years.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Term 1 Week 20

The palace guards were in repose when they caught a redolent scent seemingly wafting from a distant edifice. The fragrance was something new, it was disparate from anything the guards had ever smell. Distracting, very distracting indeed; the guards had all stood up and they were sniffing the air, inhaling the pleasant-smelling scent which was getting ever more puissant when all of a sudden................

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Term 1 Week 9

Profligate husbands are rife in Big Men's City. There are a legion of wifes who are percuniarily behind the eight ball because of their "lovely" husbands who apparently, knows only to "give".